
Without God going before us, we aren’t going to have much of a church. With that in mind, we’re asking every launch team member to pray for Journey on a regular basis. Specifically, we’re asking people to pray once a month for the church. As a member of the launch team you’ll be getting a monthly e-mail sharing the latest updates along with the things that we can use prayer for the most. Hopefully, the team will be praying at least weekly, if not daily. But, at the very least, we’re asking every launch team member to pray once a month when they get that e-mail.


When launch day arrives, Journey is going to begin having weekly services. Each service will require quite a few volunteers who are excited to start welcoming new people. We’re asking that every launch team member commit to serve for the first year of Journey’s life. That could be weekly, biweekly, or once a month. The reason we ask for the first year is to ensure that we’re not scrambling to replace volunteers within the first few months of the life of the church. If at the end of that first year you’d like to step off, we’re grateful for your contribution in helping us get off the ground!


We’re asking everyone on the launch team to give a percentage of their income. We’re asking for 3 reasons:

1. Because the more we put into the church, the more we’ll get out of it. Journey already has enough money to successfully launch. With that said, every dime that gets added to our bare bones budget will enhance the quality of our launch. A greater launch budget equals better venue options, higher quality equipment, and the potential for additional staff.

2. Because we need to know that our team is fully engaged. Matthew 6:21 says “Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.” In order to launch successfully, we need a team of people whose hearts are invested. It makes no difference if it’s 10% or 0.038 percent. We need everyone's heart in this.

3. Because we should give proportionally. 2 Corinthians 8:12 says “Whatever you give is acceptable if you give it eagerly. And give according to what you have, not what you don’t have.” Giving a percentage means you give nothing if you make nothing, you give more if you make more. It’s a great way to “give according to what you have”.